Online learning, sometimes referred to as homeschool, has led to student success for thousands of families. This series, Student Success Stories, features highlights from What’s your Story?, a site that’s home to real stories from real students about how their lives have changed because of individualized, online education through K12 programs.
Dyslexia occurs among people of all economic and ethnic backgrounds. It is often recognized as a specific learning disability in reading, characterized by difficulties with accurate word recognition, decoding, and spelling. It can cause problems with reading comprehension and slow down vocabulary growth, and students with Dyslexia have struggled for years to fit into an educational environment that seems unable to provide the individualized curriculum that they need.
Much of what happens in a classroom is based on reading and writing, so it’s important to identify Dyslexia as early as possible. With the proper support, almost all people with dyslexia can become good readers and writers. Online education not only provides an opportunity to use oral reading to encourage development of linguistic awareness, but the ability to take extra time when needed to complete assignments and provide emotional support.
Jason, a third grader who struggled in a brick-and-mortar setting because of Dyslexia, needed more. His parents chose K12’s Agora because of ‘great results that some other family members have had.’
Jason’s family has been using K12 for two years now, and can attest to the same great results. He began in second grade with a reading fluency below a Kindergarten level, and at the end of his third grade year will have ‘progressed rapidly’ to that of a second grader. Jason’s mom, Angela, says ‘No, we are not up to grade level…YET. But we are progressing. His confidence is through the roof and I couldn’t be happier. He enjoys reading now. It isn’t so daunting or dreaded. And as a mother and learning coach, I couldn’t be more proud. Thank you K12.’
By turning struggle into success for kids like Jason, online education provides the individualized schooling program properly serving Jason and other Dyslexic children like him so they can thrive and succeed.
Read more about Jason’s online learning experience and share your own student triumphs in the What’s Your Success Story contest for a chance to win up to $1000 for a summer camp scholarship. All entries must be received no later than 5 P.M. EST on Wednesday, June 18, 2014.
The post Student Success Stories: Dyslexic Student Now Enjoys Reading appeared first on Learning Liftoff.